Black-saddle goatfish inhabit the Indo-West Pacific region - this includes the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, south to South Africa and Reunion Island. Goatfish are so named because of the ‘barbels’ which hang from their chins similar to a goat’s beard. Goatfish use the barbels to search for food on the seabed.
They are found singly or in groups foraging for food such as worms, brittle stars and crustaceans, they do this by extending the two barbels from their chin and stirring up the sediment. They often have other fish in tow which hoover up any creatures left behind.
Adults grow up to 23 cm long and inhabit reefs, sand flats, slopes and seagrass beds at depths between 2 -75m.
Black-saddle goatfish also appear to use their barbels in courtship displays and will eagerly entwine barbels with prospective mates.