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Copperband butterflyfish

Copperband butterflyfish

The copperband butterflyfish is visually very similar to the South African butterflyfish. It can easily be distinguished by the prominent black eyespot on the upper-back part of its body, and has one additional vertical copper stripe in comparison to the South African butterflyfish.

The fish is territorial and will pair up and protect its feeding area from other pairs of butterflyfish. It is common and lives on reefs throughout the Indian Ocean.

Its elongated snout is used to feed on benthic invertebrates that take refuge in cracks and holes in the reef.

The IUCN have classified this species as Least Concern.

  • Also known as a banded longsnout butterflyfish, beaked butterflyfish or beaked coralfish.
  • Common throughout the Indian Ocean – Australia, East Africa, India, etc.
  • Prefers shallow water no deeper than 25m.
  • Tolerates a wide range of water conditions and environments, not only reefs.
  • It is the butterflyfish species most commonly traded for home fish tanks.
  • Grows to 20cm long