Leopard catsharks are found along the southern African coast and as far east as Madagascar.
They live at depths up to 250m in the waters of the Eastern Cape. However, they prefer the shallow coastal waters of the southern and western Cape regions.
Leopard catsharks are sluggish and spend most of their time on the sandy bottom, often close to reefs.
They feed at night on small, bottom-dwelling fish, crustaceans, and squid.
These catsharks can be distinguished from other species by the absence of the groove which joins the mouth to the nostrils. They also have a long barbel that projects downwards from each nostril.
Leopard catsharks grow to approximately 84cm in length.
Leopard catsharks spend most of their time on the sandy bottom, often close to reefs.
These sharks feed at night on small, bottom-dwelling fish