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Adopt a turtle this Mandela Day!

- Turtles, Conservation, Foundation, Blog
Adopt a turtle this Mandela Day!

Mandela Day is all about taking steps to ensure that our actions have a positive impact. What better way to do this than to contribute to the survival of an endangered species? 

Our Turtle Conservation Centre is currently home to over 250 loggerhead turtle hatchlings - each of these little turtles needs your support. 

In the wild, one or two out of every thousand turtles survive into adulthood. Rehabilitating every single one of the stranded turtles rescued and brought to us by our Turtle Rescue Network is critical. In the hands of our turtle team and with your generous help, dozens of hatchlings that would have perished (often due to human-induced hazards) can have a second chance at life in the ocean!

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We recently admitted our 600th turtle hatchling of 2024!

Contribute to a turtle’s rehabilitation

Have you ever dreamed of contributing to the survival of an endangered species? By co-adopting one of the loggerhead turtle hatchlings in the Turtle Conservation Centre, you can do just that.

Co-adoption is a great option for everyone! This is an affordable way to make a difference and give one of our little turtles a chance at a brighter future. Your co-adoption covers a week of veterinary care and food and can mean a world of difference for these turtles.

Co-adopters receive a personalised certificate and an invitation to join our turtle community via our regular mailer, Turtle Tales.

Go to: Co-adopt a turtle hatchling!

Sponsor a turtle’s full rehabilitation

Would you like to follow a turtle’s journey from rescue, through rehabilitation, to release back into the ocean? By fully supporting a turtle’s rehabilitation, you can.

The rehabilitation of a single hatchling costs roughly R7 000 – no small ask. Yet, this contribution keeps the little patient alive: From feeding it a healthy diet, keeping it warm in clean saltwater, and maintaining life support to veterinary treatment for injuries and illnesses. Eventually, this contribution will take the little turtle all the way home – when it has regained its strength and is ready to greet the big blue once more, our team releases this hatchling to its ocean home.

Adopters get to name their turtle and receive a beautiful, illustrated chapter of the hatchling story every month. You will also receive pictures of your hatchling and are the first to know when it is released!

Go to: Adopt a turtle!
Your contribution will help a turtle hatchling return home to the ocean! (Credit: Sacha Specker)

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