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Your favourite Aquarium moments caught on camera

By Ethan Smit
- Exhibits, Sharks, Animals, Blog
Your favourite Aquarium moments caught on camera

The Two Oceans Aquarium has been at the helm of creating long-lasting memories for over 25 years. We love seeing you and your loved ones create special moments in our underwater world. Let's take a look at some of these moments, courtesy of our Aquarium family.

The beautiful I&J Ocean Exhibit

Did you know the I&J Ocean Exhibit holds 1.6 million litres of seawater between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius? It's also the first exhibit of its kind in South Africa to boast a full 10-metre-long tunnel.

Precious moments at the Kelp Forest Exhibit

Before you continue, we're here to remind you that Two Oceans Aquarium members receive cool perks, like unlimited visits, amazing discounts on Experiences, and so much more!

Go to: Become a member here

Time for some sharks!

As humans, we are often led to believe that sharks are dangerous creatures that should be feared. This notion is portrayed in movies, books, pop culture, traditions, and in so many other ways. Sharks have been incorrectly labelled "monsters of the sea", and have been given minimal opportunity to prove themselves to be otherwise. Well, here at the Two Oceans Aquarium, they are given their “voice”, courtesy of the marvellous Save Our Seas Foundation Shark Exhibit.

Go to: Meet the ragged-tooth sharks here

Two Oceans Aquarium fun

Thank you all for the everlasting memories. We look forward to creating loads more together!

Go to: Visit the Two Oceans Aquarium today

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