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Do you want to be an intern at the Turtle Conservation Centre?

Do you want to be an intern at the Turtle Conservation Centre?

Have you ever dreamed of contributing to the conservation of an endangered species? What about working with a passionate and knowledgeable team while getting hands-on experience in the field of turtle rehabilitation?

You could make this dream a reality – the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation’s Turtle Conservation Centre is looking for an intern!

What does the internship involve?

The internship, which would take place over three months, is a unique opportunity to make a tangible difference while gaining valuable skills in the marine conservation world. Your chief responsibilities would centre around the well-being of the turtles undergoing rehabilitation with the Turtle Conservation Centre.

Four days a week, you would assist the turtle team with husbandry-based tasks. This includes feeding turtles of various ages and species – from tiny loggerhead hatchlings to juvenile hawksbills! Husbandry encompasses everything from preparing food for the turtles (each gets a specifically tailored diet) to sterilising equipment, siphoning tanks, and conducting regular weigh-ins and measurements.

Husbandry is an intense, but highly rewarding, aspect of the internship. Sophia Chen, a current intern, felt like she hit the ground running: “On my first day, I helped with data capture, feeding, cleaning, and food preparation. There’s always so much to do, given the hundreds of hatchlings!”

Sophia was encouraged to see the turtles’ progress during her time in husbandry. “It was really rewarding to see some of the baby turtles graduate from quarantine because they had gained enough strength to dive,” she says.

(Credit: Alex Oelofse)

Once a week, you would assist our veterinary team with health assessments and treatments for the turtles undergoing rehabilitation. This is an incredible opportunity to gain insight into veterinary care and rehabilitation practices.

Konstantinos, a past intern, came from a veterinary background and reported to have learnt a lot during health assessments and treatments. “My internship’s most memorable moment was learning the theory and carrying out the physiotherapy sessions for a buoyant loggerhead turtle called Kai. This encouraged his swimming capability so that he can one day be released into the wild,” says Konstantinos.

Every day is different as an intern with the Turtle Conservation Centre! Giovana, a past intern, says “I couldn’t name just one memorable moment but there were three that I will always cherish - the release of Nobomvu, the satellite tagging of hatchlings, and the unexpected mass stranding of over 100 hatchlings in a single day”.

(Credit: Alex Oelofse)

What is it like working with the turtle team?

We think the interns say it best…

“Working with the turtles brings the most passionate, caring people together, despite our varied backgrounds, skills, and experience levels. What unites us is a love and compassion for these incredible creatures. I’m so lucky to be part of this team and to have met such wonderful humans!” says Sophia.

“Being an intern at the Turtle Conservation Centre was an unforgettable experience. As soon as you get there, you are received with a warm welcome and the team takes you in as one of their own. I loved interacting with the animals and bonding with the team members – I would do it all over again without a doubt,” says H. de Sola.

“Working with a great team can shape your career and impact future aspirations. When you are surrounded by and being mentored by people who love to teach and share their work, you learn more about yourself and what impact you could have through your own career journey,” says Isay.

“I loved being able to work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team, where everyone has different views and beliefs in many aspects of life, but when it comes to saving turtles, we all work towards a common goal,” says Giovana.

(Credit: Alex Oelofse)

What will I learn?

This internship at the Turtle Conservation Centre offers so many incredible opportunities.

Not only are the daily husbandry tasks ensuring the well-being of the turtles in our care, but they are also an invaluable opportunity for you to gain some practical rehabilitation skills. There is no better teacher than hands-on experience, and that’s exactly what you’ll get as an intern with the Turtle Conservation Centre!

At any time, the Turtle Conservation Centre is actively rehabilitating at least three turtle species of varying ages – this provides a unique opportunity to soak up everything you can about behavioural observations and enrichment techniques for a range of turtles. From food mazes and pulley feeds to learning about pattern swimming, there is never a dull moment.

We think that Konstantinos nicely summed up an internship with the Turtle Conservation Centre: It was a wonderful working experience that simultaneously introduced me to sea turtle husbandry and the process of their rehabilitation back to their natural habitat as well as offered a great opportunity to explore a magnificent city and its people. This internship allowed me to take a sneak peek at the team’s dedication and commitment to such a prestigious and successful wildlife rehabilitation programme”.

(Credit: Alex Oelofse)

This internship is a full-time commitment – a strong interest and love of marine conservation and working with turtles is vital. Our turtle team is looking for someone who is 18+ years old and is reliable, dedicated, and proactive.

If you’re looking to start a career in marine conservation and/or wildlife rehabilitation or gain substantial experience in this field, this is an excellent opportunity. Join us in our mission to protect and rehabilitate sea turtles while gaining invaluable experience in marine conservation!

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