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The Two Oceans Aquarium celebrated the False Bay Hope Spot with Mission Blue and CapeRADD!

The Two Oceans Aquarium celebrated the False Bay Hope Spot with Mission Blue and CapeRADD!

Recently, the Two Oceans Aquarium hosted Mission Blue and representatives from the seven South African Hope Spots. Dr Sylvia Earle, founder of Mission Blue and legendary marine biologist, joined the Hope Spot champions in celebrating the growing South African Hope Spot network. The two-day celebration included a collaborative workshop on Friday 21 February, and a community event in the False Bay Hope Spot on Saturday, 22 February.

What is a Hope Spot?

There are currently 165 Hope Spots around the world - these are special places that have been scientifically identified as critical to the health of the ocean. Each Hope Spot is championed by local conservationists whom Mission Blue supports with communications, expeditions and scientific advisory. Mission Blue declared False Bay a Hope Spot in 2014 in collaboration with Cape RADD (Research and Diver Development). The Two Oceans Aquarium was thrilled to be brought on as a Co-Champion with Cape RADD in 2023!


False Bay, as a renowned tourist attraction with rich marine biodiversity, is the perfect site for a Hope Spot. It is home to over 3 500 endemic species, including critically endangered African penguins, various species of sharks like bronze whalers, shysharks, and catsharks, and a variety of seabirds and invertebrates. It is frequented by orcas, southern right whales, various dolphin species, and Cape fur seals. Not to mention, it's home to magnificent kelp forests! The False Bay area is also steeped in cultural heritage and history.

“We are honoured by the recognition of Dr Sylvia Earle and Mission Blue on the importance of South Africa’s coastline in the global effort to support the health of the ocean. Furthermore, we took hope from having the opportunity to connect with the custodians of False Bay,” said Helen Lockhart, Conservation and Sustainability Manager at the Two Oceans Aquarium.

Connections and collaboration at the Champions Workshop

On Friday 21 February 2025, Mission Blue hosted a Champions Workshop for Hope Spot Champions from across the South African network to celebrate their work, share ideas, and foster collaboration. The workshop marked the first time all seven South African Hope Spot champions had officially gathered together.

The organisations represented included Nature Valley Trust, Cape Nature, Wild Africa Alliance, Cape RADD, the Two Oceans Aquarium, Sustainable Seas Trust, Sharklady Adventures, the Bigger Picture, and the Knysna Estuary Research Foundation. Each organisation shared the work it is doing in a particular Hope Spot and presented opportunities for collaboration. The Champions were able to create potentially long-lasting connections with tangible paths forward for the near future.


Community spirit at Dalebrook Tidal Pool

On Saturday 22 February 2025, False Bay Co-Champions Cape RADD and Two Oceans Aquarium supported a celebration of False Bay and ocean connections. The day's activities centred around inspiring hope and building bridges to bring people from all communities together to safeguard False Bay and the ocean for current and future generations.

Led by Loyiso Dunga of Parley’s Seas of Good Hope, the Hope Spot champions came together with other custodians of False Bay - residents, fishers, artists, academics, and young people from Hout Bay, Khayelitsha, Kalk Bay, and Simons Town. Mark Fitzgibbon from Cape RADD MC'ed the event, ensuring a day dedicated to sharing stories of ocean connection, dreaming our hopes for the future of the ocean, and having fun through activities such as rockpool exploring and snorkelling facilitated by the Two Oceans Aquarium, Cape RADD, and I Am Water.

The highlight of the day was a moving address by Dr Sylvia Earle, who graciously showed her support of the False Bay Hope spot and its custodians. Dr Earle and the work she is doing with Mission Blue shows what is possible and encourages a sense of hope for the future of our ocean.


The Two Oceans Aquarium is honoured to be part of a collective of people working for a better future for our precious ocean spaces. Together with Mission Blue and CapeRADD, are excited to see what 2025 offers our False Bay Hope Spot!

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